Our art in the city and beyond summer camp took us on a journey through contemporary art galleries and museums in Paris, with a spectacular day trip to Giverny where we learnt all about Monet and Impressionism

We explored the art of social, emotional and creative learning at Gallery Almine Rech, Perrotin, Pompidou, Musee Marmottan, as well as the Impressionism museum in Giverny

After learning about each artist on show at the galleries and museums we visited, we took part in a creative activity inspired by the style / movement the artist was part of. We also took part in critical thinking activities through artful thinking routines including reasoning with evidence, observing and describing, as well as questioning and investigating.

During our day trip to Giverny, we learnt all about the life of Monet as well as the key moments in Impressionism before visiting his gardens and museum. We ended our day with a ‘plein air’ creative activity (painting outside) just as the impressionists did, immersing ourselves into a different time. We also learnt different brushstroke techniques inspired by the impressionists.