our 2021 Summer Camp was based on the theme “Artful & Critical Thinking”. Over a period of 3 weeks, we visited numerous contemporary art galleries in Paris including David Zwirner, Perrotin, Thaddaeus Ropac, Almine Rech, Templon, and more


We learned about various contemporary artists, as well as art movements, and Each visit included an artful thinking routine that targeted numerous thinking dispositions

  • See - think - wonder

    Target thinking dispositions: Observing & Describing, Reasoning, Questioning and Investigating. 

  • Looking - nouns / adjectives / verbs

    Target thinking disposition: Observing & Describing (in categories)

  • Poetry & story writing

    Target thinking disposition: Observing & Imagining

We also practised the art of slow looking, encouraging students to find deeper meaning in the artworks we were viewing

This is where we got really into observing and describing the artworks in as much detail as possible, forming our own opinions, and learning from our friend’s differing perspectives

We started each day by naming 3 things we were grateful for in our gratitude journals, and ended each day with a mindful activity.

Our young learners walked away from the camp with a renewed sense of self, and tools on how to live more peaceful and calm lives in this fast-paced world!