We were invited over Paris Gallery Weekend to run a private workshop around the show “NA KINSHASA EZA POSSIBLE”, which featured Contemporary African Artists from The Democratic Republic of Congo


We first had a lesson on the history of The DRC, so children were able to view the artworks with a better understanding

Learners were informed on the horrible acts of King Leopold II during colonisation, things they aren’t taught in school but are very important to be aware of.

After a short introduction on the artists in the show, we viewed the artworks on show

We also had a discussion on the important role the arts played at the time The DRC gained independence in 1960, we then tested the children’s knowledge from what they had previously learnt

we chose the piece we were most inspired by and got creative! We also took part in a deep breathing exercise to get the children in a meditative state before their activity

Children left the workshop feeling Cool - Calm - Creative :)