Drawing comparisons between Henri Matisse and Tom Wesselman at Almine Rech, Paris, alongside emotional regulation & critical thinking exercises


We started our day at Pompidou and read the Poem ‘The Guest House’ by Jalaluddin Rumi

We analysed the poem and learnt how to treat emotions as fleeting, like guests that come and go. Whether they are strong negative emotions, or positive ones.


After learning about Fauvism, We ventured to the Modern Art floor at Pompidou to view the works of Matisse

The aim of this was to be able to draw comparisons between Matisse and Wesselman, as Wesselmann was deeply inspired by the works of Matisse.


We then headed to Almine Rech to view the Tom Wesselmann show

We tested our knowledge of what we had learnt before about Wesselmann, and how his works were inspired by Matisse. We took part in a slow looking activity to stimulate critical thinking, See Think Wonder, and shared our differing viewpoints.